Paris Traffic

Real-Time Paris Traffic Information

Here is a dynamic Paris map with traffic information:
Paris traffic
This map gives instant information about car traffic in Paris. The traffic status is given for Paris streets and for the main highways and roads to Paris. The green color indicates a flowing traffic, orange color indicates a heavy traffic, whereas the red color means a sustained traffic jam.

Click on the following link to go to Sytadin, the official Paris website in charge of delivering information about traffic in Paris and Ile-de-France :

Where does this Paris traffic information come from?

SYTADIN® is the real-time public information service for users on traffic conditions on the main road network in Île-de-France. It is developed and managed by the Ile-de-France Roads Department (DiRIF). These traffic data are given to you via a dynamic and interactive Paris map in which it is very easy to navigate: zoom in and zoom out, direction arrows, etc.

Main advantages of this page on Paris traffic

Thanks to this page, you can access a real-time information about Paris traffic. This reliable traffic information is instantly understandable thanks to universal color codes such as green, orange and red to respectively indicate fluid, heavy or congested traffic status. Visual alerts can also show up to warn the reader about potential traffic jam due to accidents, road works, etc.

Traffic in Paris