Paris Metro Map

Here is the Paris metro map including its 16 lines and hundreds of stations:

map of Paris metro
Paris Metro Map

Map of Paris Metro

This metro map of Paris will be of great help to you when travelling and commuting through Paris and its suburb. This metro map shows the existing lines, from line 1 to line 14, plus lines 3bis and 7bis, covering Paris limits and its nearby suburbs. The map also features lines of the Paris RER, a transport network intended to cover a wider perimeter around Paris.

You can access this Paris metro map anytime from your desktop, your tablet or your smartphone, whether it be an iPhone (Apple IOS) or a Samsung (Android). Take it with you and bookmark it in order for it to be quickly used.

As you may already know, the Paris metro system is constantly evolving, adding new stations to existing lines and even creating new lines as part of a huge project called Grand Paris Express (lines 15, 16, 17 and 18).

See also : Paris map   Paris metro   Metro stations


Metro Map